قرار وزارة الإسكان اليوم بطرح ثلث أرض مطار إمبابه للإستثمار بمثابة نقل الأرض من منفعة عامة و أملاك شعب إلى إستثمار القطاع الخاص. الأهم أن الوزارة عجزت - أو عكفت و أجلت - عن طرح الأرض بأكملها و هى 202 فدان تقريبا لتتصدى ضغوط الرأى العام على إبقائها ضمن الملكية العامة و الإهتمام بسكان المنطقة أولا، و ربما ما حدث هذا دون حملة جمعية شعبية تسمى بلجنة الدفاع عن أرض مطار إمبابه.
فمساحة الأرض الكلية 202 فدان، أى 848،400 متر مربع تم تقسيمها كالتالى:
- 28 فدان (14%) لأكاديمية الطياران المدنى
- 58 فدان (29%) تطرح للإستثمار، أى نحو 243،600 متر مربع
فى سوق المزادات يمكن أن يتراوح سعر متر الأرض ما بين 30،000 إلى 40،000 جم للمتر و ربما أعلى من هذا، يعنى سعر الأرض المطروحة فقط ما بين 7،4 إلى 9،8 مليار جم تزعم الوزارة إستغلالهم لتطوير منطقة شمال الجيزة بأكملها
فمساحة الأرض الكلية 202 فدان، أى 848،400 متر مربع تم تقسيمها كالتالى:
- 28 فدان (14%) لأكاديمية الطياران المدنى
- 58 فدان (29%) تطرح للإستثمار، أى نحو 243،600 متر مربع
فى سوق المزادات يمكن أن يتراوح سعر متر الأرض ما بين 30،000 إلى 40،000 جم للمتر و ربما أعلى من هذا، يعنى سعر الأرض المطروحة فقط ما بين 7،4 إلى 9،8 مليار جم تزعم الوزارة إستغلالهم لتطوير منطقة شمال الجيزة بأكملها
- 40 فدان (20%) أى خمس مساحة الأرض فقط لإقامة حديقة عامة و بها فرص للإستثمار
- 15 فدان (7،5%) لنطاق لمحور أحمد عرابى لربط شارع أحمد عرابى بالطريق الدائرى
- 61 فدان (29،5%) لمجمع إسكان للمتضررين من الإزالات،
هذه مساحة أكبر بكثير من مساحة المساكن التى سيتم إزالتها لكن لم يوجد أى تفسير لفعالية إستغلال هذه المساحة و من سيستفيد منها بجانب اهالى المنطقة. فضمن ال 61 فدان، أى 256200 متر مربع، نصفهم يستغل للمرافق و الخدمات كالطرق و المدارس، لذا يتبقى 128100 متر مربع أراضى، أى نحو 512400 متر مربع مبانى موزعة على أربعة أدوار، أى نحو 8100 وحدة سكنية مساحتها 63 متر مربع تصلح لنحو 32،400 نسمة
بعض التواريخ المهمة
2007.05.28تحويل قطاع شمال الجيزة وأرض مطار إمبابة إلى منطقة جذب استثمارى بعد عرض بدائل على مكتب الرئاسة الجمهورية
2008.07.17تأسيس لجنة شعبية للدفاع عن أرض مطار إمبابة والتصدي لخصخصتها
2008.11.01«الإسكان» تعلن بدء تطوير أرض مطار إمبابة الشهر المقبل.. والمرحلة الأولي تتكلف ٧٠٠ مليون جنيه
«اعرف حقك.. قبل إزالتك» حملة لجنة الدفاع عن مطار إمبابة قبل بدء التطوير
The Ministry of Housing announced today that it is to auction off a third of the Embaba Airport site to commercial investors willing to turn the area into a vast array of shopping malls and leisure activities. The announcement comes after months of speculation as to the future use of this 202 Feddan site in the heart of north Giza, a part of Greater Cairo.
The surrounding area is home to roughly 800,000 people, mostly of low income families, living in dense informal neighbourhoods built on former green field.
Roughly 30% of the public property site is earmarked for investment, another 30% for re-housing families displaced by the development - though it is doubted that they number 32,000 leaving questions of who else is to benifit from the housing - while a fifth is planned to be a public park, another fifth for the Civil Aviation Academy and the rest will go to a highway linking the north ring-road to Ahmed Orabi street in Mohandessin.
This MoH plan deviates somewhat from previous talk of selling off the entire site to investors which sparked a public backlash and promted the formation of an independent awareness group, which translates roughly as the Coucil for Defending the Site of Embaba Airport. The press has so far not fully acknowledged the group's efforts in changing the course of the MoH's planning, but it's organised campaign ofraising awareness of the local community to their property rights and exposure through peaceful public activities like stage plays is thought to be a strong catalyst to the change and is an example worth recognising.
The Presidential Office approves a plan to convert the North Giza area including the site of the former Embaba Airport in to a commercial zone, after going over different planning strategies.
The Council for Defending of the Embaba Airport Site (CDEAS) is formed
The CDEAS calls for converting the Embaba Airport site in to a public park for the citizens of the north Giza area
The CDEAS sends an open letter to the First Lady after her visit to the area relaying their concerns about the future of the site
MoH announces plan to develop the Embaba Airport site will be ready in month's time08.11.2008
CDEAS launches stage of awareness campaign geared to inform residents of their property rights preempting the MoH's drive for Copulsory Purchase Orders, or CPOs, in relation to planned development
In a coincidental event, the Local Council of Berlin announces plans to convert Templehof Airport in to a 500 acre public park that would attract 3.5 Million visitors and would make Berlin the 'Greenest European capital', after months of speculation that included plans for a zoo, sports complex and health resort.
A private developer, Hamza & Associates, publishes it's own ideas of converting the airport site in to a massive school district nestled in a large park, citing the need for future generations to be schooled in a high quality, natural environment.
The MoH announces final plan to auction 30% of airport site to private investors and turn it in to a consumer and leisure hub, leaving another third for housing and a fifth for a public park.
The surrounding area is home to roughly 800,000 people, mostly of low income families, living in dense informal neighbourhoods built on former green field.
Roughly 30% of the public property site is earmarked for investment, another 30% for re-housing families displaced by the development - though it is doubted that they number 32,000 leaving questions of who else is to benifit from the housing - while a fifth is planned to be a public park, another fifth for the Civil Aviation Academy and the rest will go to a highway linking the north ring-road to Ahmed Orabi street in Mohandessin.
This MoH plan deviates somewhat from previous talk of selling off the entire site to investors which sparked a public backlash and promted the formation of an independent awareness group, which translates roughly as the Coucil for Defending the Site of Embaba Airport. The press has so far not fully acknowledged the group's efforts in changing the course of the MoH's planning, but it's organised campaign ofraising awareness of the local community to their property rights and exposure through peaceful public activities like stage plays is thought to be a strong catalyst to the change and is an example worth recognising.
The Presidential Office approves a plan to convert the North Giza area including the site of the former Embaba Airport in to a commercial zone, after going over different planning strategies.
The Council for Defending of the Embaba Airport Site (CDEAS) is formed
The CDEAS calls for converting the Embaba Airport site in to a public park for the citizens of the north Giza area
The CDEAS sends an open letter to the First Lady after her visit to the area relaying their concerns about the future of the site
MoH announces plan to develop the Embaba Airport site will be ready in month's time08.11.2008
CDEAS launches stage of awareness campaign geared to inform residents of their property rights preempting the MoH's drive for Copulsory Purchase Orders, or CPOs, in relation to planned development
In a coincidental event, the Local Council of Berlin announces plans to convert Templehof Airport in to a 500 acre public park that would attract 3.5 Million visitors and would make Berlin the 'Greenest European capital', after months of speculation that included plans for a zoo, sports complex and health resort.
A private developer, Hamza & Associates, publishes it's own ideas of converting the airport site in to a massive school district nestled in a large park, citing the need for future generations to be schooled in a high quality, natural environment.
The MoH announces final plan to auction 30% of airport site to private investors and turn it in to a consumer and leisure hub, leaving another third for housing and a fifth for a public park.
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